Monday, February 14, 2011

some time ago China's Internet

War litigation is the healthy development of industry performance you said prepared for war,warfare continuously, what do you think?

Zhang: China's Internet war decade is constantly, in fact in American Internet industry everyday staged in war. Don't be afraid to war, is fully competitive market, but only through sufficient competition, industry can obtain the good development, allowing users to enjoy a better product. But should be in certain rules within the competition, to boost the industry's progress, not too much.

In the baseline within everyone don't afraid of competition, this is a very healthy way, don't under dynamic knives. "Star Wars" 3Q: one of the best aspect is released, don't say the prosecution and competition are malignant, public discussions, debates in court is the most civilized manner. Commercial society will have to compete, you've got to Sue, in a framework game finally achieved interests balance. Each case will promote the rule of law, so it is necessary. it can be predicted the 2011 to 2012 China development of Internet, overall situation?

Zhang: from "3Q wars" to micro broad war, now China netizen has an average of more than four million, so the Internet happen all the users of things. 2011 first Internet competition will be amplified into the whole society, because netizens too much, a very good-looking, The second companies want to contend for platform, so competition will be more intense, every company has 5 to 10 million dollars in cash reserves, the battle fighting very good-looking, is the large-scale war. Only competition to produce the most excellent company. Sohu micro broad war would use a fairer civilization manner competition. battle of reason is now bigger Internet companies are directions -- the red sea market, combat.

Zhang: this is China's Internet characteristics, only a big company to do, small companies slightly do something to be done, slightly innovation something was copied, silicon valley is all small company rapidly do big, big companies do not dare, dig people price too big, and do it again too late, so silicon valley has innovation. In China the full service competition is necessary, because small company is difficult to live, and finally the whole business competition, commercial mode after this leadership innovation must emerge from the large companies or called a innovation, actually companies are doing all the business, but may not make other sina, but micro bo made, tencent is doing all business, sina was also play games, search engines are not made, mainly is how we can solve all the business in competition when, how to let each business is stronger after each other together help you gain a unified competitive advantage.

Q: please give a collaborative operational example?

Zhang: people every morning is first open sohu sogou browser, watching news, then use sogou pinyin input method, using sogou search, afternoon nothing want to see section video display out was sohu hd, watched video wants to chat with friends, and then entered sohu micro bo, so the day of life is in sohu daizhuo.

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